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About the Faculty

The Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences (WAiNS) conducts interdisciplinary research and carries out teaching tasks. In keeping with the mission of the Warsaw University of Technology and drawing on the long-standing, rich tradition of education at the University, the Faculty developed its own innovative curriculum: Administration. By reaching out to many areas of knowledge, it gives the graduates the chance to acquire broad knowledge in legal and economic, as well as technical and humanistic fields. Such scope and design allow our students to acquire unique competences and is an important asset in today's labour market. 

The high quality of education at undergraduate and graduate programmes of general academic profile was confirmed by the assessments of the Polish Accreditation Committee. The last one, carried out in 2017, the Polish State Accreditation Commission found that all the quality criteria of the programme evaluation deserved a fully positive recommendation. 

Teaching activities of the Faculty members focus not only on the education of WAiNS students, but also of those studying at other faculties of the Warsaw University of Technology. Within the framework of the external teaching offer, WAiNS offers more than 44 university-wide course modules to choose from. legal sciences, political and administrative sciences, management and quality sciences, economics and finance, and sociology, as well as in the field of humanities from the disciplines of: philosophy and history. 

The Faculty staff also conducts seminars and examinations for doctoral students who prepare their doctoral dissertations at the Warsaw University of Technology.