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Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences

Warsaw University of Technology

The Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences at the Warsaw University of Technology carries out research and teaching tasks of an interdisciplinary nature. It is a unit conducting some of the highest rated research in Poland in the disciplines of legal sciences (category A+) and philosophy (category A).

In keeping with the mission of Warsaw University of Technology and drawing on the long, rich tradition of education at the University, we are developing our own fields of study in an innovative way. Our interdisciplinary profile of education inherent in the character of a technical university is a challenge to talented and ambitious students who want to understand how science affects and changes our lives, and at the same time want to influence these changes, especially as people who administer the activities of various institutions.

The strength of our community is the diversity of the knowledge we possess, which we strive to impart for the benefit of students and in harmony with the expectations of our internal and external stakeholders.

The task we set ourselves is to combine the fields of social sciences with technical sciences in such a way that education and research serve social development and meet the demands of the economy and the challenges of the modern world.

By taking up studies at the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences, you join the ranks of those studying at an excellent research-oriented university with a rich tradition and modern profile, and the course of study created at the Faculty: Management Administration enables you to acquire legal knowledge combined with the competencies needed in today's job market, including preparing you to operate in an environment of technological challenges and digitization.